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Sign up to be an owner of Runcorn Linnets

A reminder that applications are invited from supporters to be a part-owner of our fans-run club.

Current, former and prospective new members can become a Trust member of Runcorn Linnets, which is registered as a Community Benefit Society.

The 2023-24 Trust year opened on September 1st and the annual membership fee is £10.

The present membership year runs until August 31st 2024 and this is the chance for followers and fans of the club to sign up and play a part in key decision making

Last year's membership figure was 188 - the highest since the club came home to Runcorn in 2010 - and we'd love to exceed 200 this time around. 

Each member, including Trust Board members, receives one ordinary share and a vote in the Trust Board elections and is also entitled to a vote at the AGM or any other general meetings. 

Priority for any all-ticket games goes to Trust members and season ticket holders. 

You can find out more about the Trust, our rules and other membership details here and apply to become a member through our ticketing partner Kaizen by clicking on the green "join the Trust" button.

A printed application form is also available on request on first-team matchdays from the club office at APEC Taxis Stadium. 

Membership is open to any individual, unincorporated body, firm, partnership or corporate body who or which:

  • Is a supporter of the Club; or

  • Has an interest in the game of football in the area and is in sympathy with the objects of the club; and

  • is 16 years of age or older;

  • agrees to attend General Meetings and to take an active interest in the operation and development of the club and its business;

  • agrees to respect commercial confidentiality in relation to business decisions of the club; and

  • agrees to be bound by club rules and by Rules 3 and 7 in particular

All membership application processes comply with data protection legislation.  

Members notice: Any 2022-23 Trust member not renewing by October 30th, 2023, will be considered lapsed with their details being removed from our database. They can, however, apply to rejoin at any time in the future. 


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