The Annual General Meeting of Runcorn Linnets Football Club Limited will take place on Thursday, December 14th in the MDB Gas Clubhouse at APEC Taxis Stadium, Stockham Lane, Runcorn, WA7 6GJ at 7pm.
This will include the Chairman's Report and presentation of accounts for the year ending June 30th 2023.
Running alongside the AGM are the annual Trust Board elections.
Three members of the present elected Trust Board (Bren Connolly, Paul Riley and Jack Walsh) are due to retire by rotation in 2023, after serving for the customary two years, to seek re-election should they so wish.
Seven directors are scheduled to retire in December 2024.
The Board has decided that this year's elections will be for six places so that numbers in the respective election rotations are evened up again.
For this purpose, the Board has also agreed that one of the seven directors elected in 2022 and due to retire in December 2024 should step down in 2023.
Peter Cartledge has volunteered to retire a year early with a view to standing again this time.
Nominations for the Trust Board elections are now open and will close on Thursday, November 16th at 7pm.
Only Trust members who were fully paid up on Monday, October 31st 2023 are eligible to be a candidate or to vote in the Trust Board elections and on any resolutions at the AGM.
The deadline for submission of any member resolutions for the AGM is also Thursday, November 16th 2023 at 7pm.
These should include name(s) and address(es) of the proposer(s) together with membership number(s) and full details of the resolution. If membership numbers are not known, please e-mail
Resolutions must be made in writing to Trust Secretary, Runcorn Linnets FC, APEC Taxis Stadium, Stockham Lane, Murdishaw, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 5GJ and signed by all proposers.
The club's Election Policy will be in operation from now until the AGM.
Non-members are permitted to attend the AGM as guests but are unable to take any part in the meeting.
An extended version of this notice has been issued by e-mail to all Trust members, who have provided the club with an address and will be sent in hard copy form to those not on e-mail.
Any members, who have not received the e-mail to their inbox are therefore asked to check their junk folder. If it's not in there, please e-mail to request that it is re-sent.